Why Do I Always Think About Food? 4 Compelling Reasons

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Today we're answering the age old question, Why do I always think about food 24/7?! If food is constantly on your mind... if you feel like the chips and cookies are always beckoning for you from the cupboards, and that food constantly preoccupies your mind, consider these 4 compelling reasons. I hope they help you realize that this is a normal response to deprivation! Once you address these steps, you can truly get to a place where you only think about food when you're hungry—on most days at least, no one is perfect!

As an eating psychology coach with over a decade of experience as a medical writer, I dug up plenty of clinical studies to drive these points home! See my article for research links:

The Stop, Drop, & Feel®️: https://karidahlgren.net/stop-drop-feel/


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