Racism Is Natural - Kabbalist Explains Racism

Описание к видео Racism Is Natural - Kabbalist Explains Racism

Racism is rooted in the law of equivalence of form and manifests in human nature as the directive we hate, and are suspicious of, anyone different from us. While we may agree on the surface that all people are equal, on the inside we can't help but feel anyone different from us remains remote and separate.

Racism exists in myriad forms, and looking into the topic sheds light on historical events and ideologies that have shaped our societies. From white supremacy and institutional racism to the devastating impacts of racial segregation and the ideologies behind Aryanism and the Nazi Party, looking into racism, human rights and philosophy show us ways we can understand society over history.

In addition, racism is also connected to dehumanization, colonialism, and the struggles faced by African Americans through American slavery and the civil rights movement. While there are pivotal moments in relation to racism, such as the Voting Rights Act and the Supreme Court's role in combating voter suppression, the complex intersections of racism and its influences on global history, society, and the ongoing fight for equality are best sought at their deepest root. That is where the wisdom of Kabbalah examines the topic of racism from.

Full transcript https://bit.ly/2W9qIaX

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