Oak Flat to Chinatown / No Land Grabs

Описание к видео Oak Flat to Chinatown / No Land Grabs

We are humbled, honored and moved that relatives from the Apache Stronghold came to the No Arena in the Heart of Our City rally and march on September 7th to support us and to bless us, and to make clear the connections between our struggles and our path.

Apache Stronghold members began a prayer journey in July, traveling from San Carlos, Arizona to the Supreme Court, where, on September 11, they filed an appeal to stop billionaires from destroying Oak Flat, Chi’chil Biłdagoteel, a sacred place of history, memory and spirit.

When they heard about our struggle to save Chinatown—against another group of billionaire developers—the Apache Stronghold decided to bring their prayers to us. They know well what it means to fight for your community’s survival.

In this brief video, Dr. Wendsler Nosie, Sr. and Apache Stronghold members share words and one of the oldest songs of the San Carlos Apache, a traditional blessing, to say that from this day on may we be blessed in the journeys we will make in this fight.

For more information and to support the fight to save Oak Flat, visit xhttp://www.apache-stronghold.com/inde...

To save Chinatown, call Mayor Parker (215-686-2181) and tell her why you oppose building an arena that would destroy Chinatown, threaten the Gayborhood, cause traffic nightmares, and NOT return the economic benefits the billionaires claim! No more land grabs.

Video: Ron Stanford
Additional camera: Dave Huntley

Sign the petition to Save Chinatown: https://apipennsylvania.org/chinatown/

Asian Pacific Islander Political Alliance (APIPA): https://apipennsylvania.org/chinatown/
Asian Americans United (AAU): https://aaunited.org/
Students for the Preservation of Chinatown (SPOC): https://linktr.ee/spocphilly
No Arena in Chinatown Solidarity (NACS): https://linktr.ee/nacsphilly

#SaveChinatown #philly #sixers #76place #noarena #philadelphia #chinatown #saveoakflat #apachestronghold


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