4 Ways to Help Your Parent Adjust to an Assisted Living Community

Описание к видео 4 Ways to Help Your Parent Adjust to an Assisted Living Community

Navigating moving a parent into an assisted living community can be challenging. It's a transition that requires patience, understanding and compassion.

An Atria Community Sales Director shares her insights on how to ease this life change for your family member. These four tips can help make the transition easier for all.

1. Give Time to Adjust: The adaptation period can take about 3-6 months. Learn why patience is key and how to encourage open conversations about their experiences.

2. Maintain Healthy Boundaries: Discover the balance between being supportive and allowing independence. Frequent visits are comforting but can also hinder the adjustment process.

3. Personalize Their Space: Making their space feel like home is crucial. Find out how bringing cherished belongings can provide comfort and familiarity.

4. Ride the Wave of Emotions: Expect ups and downs – it's all part of the process. We discuss how acknowledging and accepting these emotions makes the transition smoother for everyone.

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