Wilhelm Furtwängler: Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 5 in E major, Opus 64 (June 6, 1952)

Описание к видео Wilhelm Furtwängler: Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 5 in E major, Opus 64 (June 6, 1952)

Wilhelm Furtwängler conducted this symphony with the New York Philharmonic in New York Carnegie Hall in 1925 on his 39th birthday (January 25th) with Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy "Hebrides" overture and Richard Strauss "Don Juan".
But, Furtwängler decreaced opportunities to play this symphony after the War and this is only surviving record of his Tchaikovsky 5th recorded in Turin on June 6, 1952, exactly 8 years after D-Day in Normandie in 1944.
The first half of the concert were Richard Wagner's "Flying Dutchman" overture and "Siegfried Idyll". Refer to my playlist "Masterpiece Attitude in Music".
   • Masterpiece Attitude in Music  
Daniel Gillis is the only critic who has fairly and potentially praised Furtwängler's 5th symphony by Tchaikovsky ("Furtwängler Recalled; Atlantis Verlag, 1965"). And, in Japan in particular, famous critics have insulted Furtwängler's 5th symphony by Tchaikovsky as something dull and not successful. But, this is rather a record of Furtwängler's protest against America who didn't help the Jews immediately after Kristallenacht on November 9 to 10, 1938 and who devided the world after the World War II in result of D-Day in Normandie in 1944.
On this date in history in 1968, 24 years after D-Day and 16 years later from Furtwängler's concert in Turin, Robert Francis Kennedy was assassinated in California during Democratic National Convention. I don't trust any cheap-made conspiracy theories, but I do believe his assassination was carefully planned conspiracy (perhaps, and most likely, a military coup d'état that targetted Sirhan Sirhan by organizing terrorist community and atmosphere; or, even intentionally misled and agitate Sirhan Sirhan, because 16 in Hebrew means Ayeen Aleek, and Ramsfeld like Republican Nomenclature Military Industry Complex figures who hated Kennedys). Glenn Gould immeidiately recorded for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Beethoven's 6th symphony, opus 68 most likely in his civil mission against assassination of Robert Francis Kennedy, former Secretary of Justice of the United States of America. Likewise, Pierre Boulez recorded in London Beethoven's Opus 67 symphony no.5 and "Meeresstille und Glückliche Fahrt, op.112 by the same composer, perhaps as his protest against assassination of the former Secretary of Justice and a Presidential candidate.
Back to Furtwängler's Tchaikovsky 5th recording on 8th anniversay of D-Day, many years after this performance, Leonard Bernstein who respected Furtwängler very highly followed this path set by Furtwängler, especially his deep commmitment affection to the last movement coda where B minor symphony turned B major and then into triumphant E major of Common People. Leonard Bernstein conducted in Boston's Tanglewood to celebrate his 70 years old birthday with this symphony in PBS broadcasting of his birthday concert (the coda to the 4th movement of this symphony was inserted as live broadcast to decorate originally recorded materials).
In Russia, Mravinsky certainly respected Furtwängler even in this 5th symphony by Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky.
Pierre Boulez lived in Baden-Baden where Wilhelm Furtwängler deceased, and Boulez interpretation in classical repertoires were certainly following the path laid by Furtwängler. History is repetition of respecting works by and wills of our predecessors.


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