SSBB - Who Can Go Under Final Destination?

Описание к видео SSBB - Who Can Go Under Final Destination?

Note: If you believe a character can go under the stage that I have not listed, then you must prove it by explaining your method in enough detail so that it can be replicated, or simply posting a video. Your claims will not be taken seriously if you fail to prove it. So far there have been idiot claims, and Dedede is the only one that may be possible but has not been proven yet. So if you think a character can, instead of looking stupid, either do it yourself and record it or don't bother commenting who you think can.

More like who can go around it. I decided to find out which characters can go from one edge of Final Destiation, under it, and make it to the other side safely. More characters than I thought were capable of this. For some characters I showed them doing it two different ways. For the most part it's a pointless video, but it could be interesting. You may shock your opponent if you do this during a fight with a character who wasn't thought to be able to. The list below is the list of characters who can make it safely under and around:

Kirby, Pikachu, Luigi, Pit, Metaknight, Charizard, Snake, Peach, Lucario, Sonic, Wario, Toon Link, Rob, Jigglypuff, Lucas. New: ZSS, Samus, Ice Climbers, Diddy, Link, Yoshi, Marth!

Update: Link's is only possible if you're at 90%+, so it only really half counts. Marth was confirmed to, also, but is tricky. The only one I have not replicated is Diddy doing it, but he's possible due to video proof. No, NESS CANNOT MAKE IT. Lucas is NOT the same as Ness with Up B. Learn your chars.

The hardest one to do it with was Lucas, surprisingly. I didn't even know he was possible. You have to be 100% perfect. However, it's probably easier with Wavebouncing, but that's lame. Same with Lucario being able to do it, but his is somehow easier if you realize you can put a slight turn to his Up B AFTER you set where it goes. If you sweet spot the sticky part you're fine. And even Luigi was shocking too.

And yea, the "New Record" clip was an inside joke thing, sort of. And thanks to Syoudous for giving me the mp3s of the narration.


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