FSMA Chat: Introduction to the Food Defense Inspection Team

Описание к видео FSMA Chat: Introduction to the Food Defense Inspection Team

The Office of Human and Animal Food Operations invites you to view the FSMA Chat introducing the new Food Defense Inspection Team

The forum addresses the following topics:
• Background of the FSMA Intentional Adulteration (IA) Rule
• Overview of IA Rule implementation
• Introduction of the Food Defense Inspection Team

Speakers from the Division of Domestic Human and Animal Food Operations (DDHAFO) within the Office of Regulatory Affairs, and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, provides information on the new Food Defense Inspection Team. This team will be tasked with conducting food defense facility inspections under FSMA’s Mitigation Strategies to Protect Against Intentional Adulteration rule– referred to as the Intentional Adulteration or IA Rule.


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