Kajabi Quick Tip | How To Stop New Subscribers Getting Sequences AND Regular Broadcast Emails

Описание к видео Kajabi Quick Tip | How To Stop New Subscribers Getting Sequences AND Regular Broadcast Emails


Email sequences are such a powerful tool for anyone with an online presence. Especially if you want to scale without burnout!

However, those sequences are often something you send at the beginning of your new customer relationship and it can be weird or jarring if your new subscriber is getting multiple emails from you at once - from sequences and newsletters or promo emails as well.

For example, they are learning more about you through a welcome sequence, but you’re also selling your current offer at the same time.

Or worse, you’ve got them in an automated sales sequence for a program you’re selling on evergreen, but then they start getting sales emails about a different program you’re live launching!

While Kajabi doesn’t yet have an option for pausing a sequence - I do hope they add that functionality one day 🤞 - there is a really easy way to segment your subscribers, so anyone currently in a sequence doesn’t get your newsletters or live launch sales emails until after they complete the sequence.

Thankfully you can fix this easily with a simple tag then untag strategy.

Watch the video to get all the details, so you can implement in your Kajabi account and never bombard your new subscribers again!

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/ / / / WHO AM I? \ \ \ \
🙋‍♀️Hi, I’m Sue a Kajabi-loving digital product aficionado who finds the software and online tech behind creating and selling online courses and digital products FUN! I make videos about Kajabi, software + tech, feel good passive income (minus the snake oil 😜) marketing, online business and digital product creation
You can find me at: theunicornadvisory.com

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