Norway remembers Utoya massacre victims

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Norway has marked the ten-year anniversary of the Utoya massacre.

On 22 July 2011, right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik detonated a bomb near the government headquarters in Oslo, killing eight people.

He then travelled to a summer camp for left-wing youths on the island of Utoya, shooting 69 people dead - most of them teenagers.

Speaking today to survivors and relatives of the victims on the 10-year anniversary of the attacks, Prime Minister Erna Solberg urged empathy and tolerance.

"We must not let hate stand unopposed," Ms Solberg said in a speech at a memorial ceremony near the government headquarters in Oslo, the site of the first attack.

The Scandinavian nation had been mostly spared from extremist violence until the attacks on 22 July 2011, the most violent in Norway's post-war history.

Ms Solberg stressed that much had been done in the past decade to improve security and combat radicalisation and extremism.

"The most important preparedness, we have to build within each of us," she said, adding it would serve as "a fortified bulwark against intolerance and hate speech, for empathy and tolerance."


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