滇金丝猴“小不点”成长记第一集:“小不点出生”Yunnan golden snub-nosed monkey grows up Episode 1: "Little Bit is born"

Описание к видео 滇金丝猴“小不点”成长记第一集:“小不点出生”Yunnan golden snub-nosed monkey grows up Episode 1: "Little Bit is born"

#相约COP15# 【滇金丝猴“小不点”成长记第一集:“小不点出生”】三月,白马雪山国家级自然保护区南部的滇金丝猴群还在和风雪作最后的抗争。一只刚刚完成分娩的滇金丝猴妈妈显得十分虚弱,它紧紧地抱着孩子——“小不点”,“小不点”的父亲“拐手”则在一旁耐心地守候着。迁徙途中,母子俩掉队了,它们无论如何都必须赶上迁徙的队伍,否则,茫茫林海等待它们的只有死亡。而此时,一只金雕正在“小不点”母子俩的上空盘旋、寻找猎物,“小不点”和妈妈能否躲过一劫,赶上迁徙的队伍……

#metCOP15# [The first episode of the growth of the Yunnan golden monkey "Little Bit": "Little Bit was born"] In March, the Yunnan golden snub-nosed monkey group in the southern part of the Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve was still fighting the wind and snow for the last time. A Yunnan snub-nosed monkey mother who has just finished giving birth looks very weak. It hugs her child, "Little Bit", and "Little Bit"'s father, "Abductor", is patiently waiting by the side. During the migration, the mother and son were left behind. They must catch up with the migration team no matter what, otherwise, the only thing waiting for them in the vast forest is death. At this time, a golden eagle was hovering over the mother and son of "Little Bit", looking for prey, whether "Little Bit" and her mother could escape the disaster and catch up with the migrating team...


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