I Was Expelled From University Of Ibadan For Being Rude To The Vice Chancellor -Philip Olatinwo

Описание к видео I Was Expelled From University Of Ibadan For Being Rude To The Vice Chancellor -Philip Olatinwo

Philip Olatinwo is a 400level student of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Ibadan. In an interview with SaharaTV, he recounts the incidence that led to his unjust expulsion from the University. In his opinion, the norm of rusticating students whenever they voice dissatisfactions should be investigated and curbed before it devours the entire educational system. He took a swipe at the Vice Chancellor of the University who recently went outside of the country to attend the convocation ceremony of his children while students of University of Ibadan which he heads are languishing due to a strike action. He appeals to Nigerians to help get him back to school, as injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.


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