Why Jesus Calmed the Storm on the Sea of Galilee

Описание к видео Why Jesus Calmed the Storm on the Sea of Galilee

Jesus isn’t just flexing when he calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee. So what is he doing? The answer is found in texts from Job, Psalms, Exodus, and elsewhere, where we find the same (Hebrew and Greek) language of Yahweh “rebuking” bodies of water. So, how does Jonah’s story shed light on this crossing? How is the Sea of Galilee like the Red Sea? And what is the answer to the disciples’ question, “Who then is this?” In this week’s video on “Reading the Gospels through Hebrew Eyes,” we will find the answers to those questions as Chad Bird guides us through a number of OT passages that provide the “big picture” of what is happening in Mark 4:35ff.


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