MegaMan Battle Network 5 Team ProtoMan (Post-Game 09: Chaos Lord Dark MegaMan)

Описание к видео MegaMan Battle Network 5 Team ProtoMan (Post-Game 09: Chaos Lord Dark MegaMan)

Chaos Lord Dark MegaMan is an optional boss in this game. Player does not receive any reward for beating him but to test the player's skill against an absolute beast. Chaos Lord Dark MegaMan can be encountered by getting total time defeating all 6 DS navi under 2:00:00. Dark Mega first appear in BN4 but in BN5, Dark Mega finally have his own mugshot and dialogue. First battle against Dark Mega was during Liberation Mission 03. In Chaos Lord version, Dark Mega capped his HP to 2000 and able to use random chip from player's possession including Dark Chip, Mega Chip and Giga Chip.


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