finn and rachel | run to you

Описание к видео finn and rachel | run to you

You can believe me when I tell you, that when I decided to give Glee a try, I did not expect THIS.

this is gonna be a whole essay, so if you're interested, keep reading :)

I have known about Glee since around 2010 I think, and while I did catch a few scenes of it on TV back in the day, I never actually watched it. I knew some things here and there, like Finn and Rachel being a couple and that there was a lot of singing. So, you can pretty much say that I was familiar with it, but nothing more. Then on July 14th 2013, I read on Facebook (I'm old) that Cory Monteith had passed away the day before in a hotel room and I started bawling my eyes out. Why? I could honestly not give you an answer to that; I mean up until that point I didn't even know his real name was Cory Monteith and only recognized him because of the photo. But I still cried for this person. For the next, almost seven years, it never occurred to me to watch Glee. Until now. About 2 weeks ago, I was recommended this treasure of a video (    • Видео   ) and something inside me snapped and I decided to try watching it.. can I just say that Glee is actually GOOD? All I have ever heard people say about it, was that it was annoying and stupid, and while I'm not gonna say it's flawless, I did enjoy myself a lot. And it genuinely had BEAUTIFUL and super important scenes. They pretty much covered EVERYTHING you can think of: homosexuality (+ bisexuality, etc), transgenderism, abusive relationships, learning disabilities, lots of different races and ethnicities, physical and mental disabilities, teen pregnancy, mental illnesses, eating disorders, AND SO ON. I was truly pleasantly surprised to see so many important issues being shown and being "handled" in such a great way. And now on to the elephant in the room.. Finn and Rachel, aka Finchel.

as I have already said, I knew Finn and Rachel were an important couple on the show, beforehand - BUT.. I had absolutely no idea what kind of epic and tragic love story I was about to discover. I did know Finn would die somewhere in the middle of the show (which was extremely hard a lot of the times.. knowing his and especially Cory's fate), so I was prepared but it HURT. What made it even more painful, was the fact that you didn't just watch one person lose their soulmate. No, you saw two. Lea Michele lost the guy she was ready to marry and fell in love with on the set of this show. I will never not be amazed by the fact that she was strong enough to be in the episode dedicated to him. Hearing her say "he was my person" never leaves my eyes dry because you just know that those were just as much Lea's words as they were Rachel's.

To be honest, I wasn't even sure if I was gonna make an edit of them, up until 3x09, when Finn named a Star after himself, gave it to Rachel and said "I just wanted to make sure, whenever she (Rachel) feels lonely, she can look up in the sky and.. no matter where I am, she can know that I'm looking down on her". Hearing him say that, knowing about his death, made me once again SNAP and I knew what I had to do.

What absolutely baffles me, is how "eerily perfect" their last scenes together are. No one could have known about Cory's death and yet, somehow, the last things they say to each other, work perfectly. The last actual conversation they had, was over the phone in 4x19, and Rachel told him that she wished he had stayed longer, to which he replied "next time. I promise". The VERY last scene they have together, is only in Rachel's imagination, but it's just as powerful. She auditioned for the role of her lifetime and chose the song her and the Glee Club sung in the very first episode, which was the perfect choice. She imagined her friends and Finn on stage with her and in a way, it could symbolize that Finn will be with her, no matter what, giving her strength. What makes it so breathtaking, is that none of that was planned, since Finn was never meant to die. - And the very last time they see each other in person, is in 4x14, when they sing together for the very last time and Finn tells her that they are "endgame" and that they will find their way back to each other. Their last meeting ends with Rachel leaving the hotel room after kissing a sleeping Finn on the head. That was the very last time she saw him alive. (at least as far as we know) All of that honestly gives me goosebumps.

+ Seeing her Finn Tattoo and finding out that they named the Auditorium after Finn, broke my heart and made me happy-cry.

Okay, that's enough now XD

song:    • Lea Michele - Run to You (Audio)  

tv show: Glee
couple: Finn and Rachel


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