Being Just This Moment, Joan Tollifson

Описание к видео Being Just This Moment, Joan Tollifson

Everything is dissolving instant by instant like snowflakes in a fire. And every night in deep sleep, the whole show vanishes completely along with the phantom observer. What remains? Any answer (anything perceivable or conceivable) is absent in deep sleep. And yet, what remains in deep sleep is Here / Now, showing up as dogs and cats, beaver dams and skyscrapers, hurricanes and torrid love affairs, thoughts and sensations. Are we separate from this ever-present, ever-changing happening? Are we in control of it? Is anything that shows up actually a distraction or a mistake? Is anything lacking or in excess? Do we really know what anything is? Is this event we call the universe made of atoms and molecules or is it pure consciousness? Is it physical matter or a dream without substance? Is consciousness an experience of the brain, or is the brain an appearance in consciousness? Perhaps our debates about
which comes first‚the chicken or the egg, mind or matter‚ assume divisions and entities that don‚ actually exist in the ways we think they do. The bare actuality of present experiencing is immediate and impossible to doubt. What we can doubt and argue about are all the ideas, interpretations and explanations of this living reality‚the maps and models drawn by conceptual thought. In the openness and simplicity of being just this moment, we may discover that nothing is missing, that we are free to be just as we are, and that we are always already home.

Joan Tollifson invites us to wake up to the aliveness and freedom of open, aware presence, and to discover the simplicity of being this moment, just as it is. Joan has an affinity with Buddhism and Advaita but belongs to no particular tradition. She holds meetings on nonduality and living in presence and is the author of Bare-Bones Meditation: Waking Up from the Story of My Life, Awake in the Heartland, Painting the Sidewalk with Water: Talks and Dialogs about Nonduality, Nothing to Grasp, and a forthcoming book about aging and death. Joan lives in southern Oregon.


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