Why Use a Certified PEO?

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What are the benefits of choosing a certified PEO?

To run a successful small business, you may have heard that you needed to line up a good set of advisors – professionals who add specific expertise that supports your company’s growth. There’s a standard list that usually gets recommended: a knowledgeable CPA, a good banker, a smart lawyer … and maybe a visionary business mentor or two.

It’s true that those subject matter experts are important – even critical – to smaller organizations’ success. But be careful that you don’t miss out on another vital member of that advisor team: a certified professional employer organization, or certified PEO.

A certified PEO, like Axcet HR Solutions, can step in to take care of essential human resources tasks you may not have the time – or the expertise – to handle. The certified PEO streamlines those HR responsibilities, which gives you more time and energy to devote to your core business goals. A certified professional employer organization benefits your company’s productivity – and can save you money, too, by helping you avoid costly tax and HR compliance mistakes.

Related: 5 Questions To Ask in Your Quest To Find the Right Certified PEO Partner

It’s important to understand the difference between a non-certified PEO and a certified PEO. Fewer than 10% of the 900 PEOs in the United States are certified PEOs.

That’s because getting certified isn’t easy. A Certified PEO has to go through a rigorous process and meet stringent requirements established by the Internal Revenue Service. certified PEOs have to demonstrate organizational integrity, proven experience and financial stability. And not just once, but year after year to maintain certification.

By virtue of having completed the IRS process, a certified PEO is inherently trustworthy. So, if you hire a certified PEO like Axcet HR Solutions, you’re minimizing your company’s financial risk and maximizing the benefits of HR outsourcing.

Payroll is just one example where a certified PEO can relieve you of an ongoing headache by handling everything from calculating deductions to distributing your employees’ payroll to filing unemployment tax reports. Sure – certified PEOs aren’t the only third-party resource that can handle those tasks – but certified PEOs are unique in that they assume legal responsibility for your payroll-related obligations.

Related: Third-Party Payroll Providers Are Not Created Equal. Certified PEOs Relieve Liability

In fact, among the kinds of outsourced payroll administrators, a small business can hire, only certified professional employer organizations assume sole liability for paying income taxes, unemployment taxes and employee contributions to Social Security and Medicare. So, if you’re outsourcing payroll, it’s wise to understand the protections a certified PEO provides that other third-party providers don’t.

Besides payroll services, a certified PEO like Axcet will provide employee health benefits administration, manage compliance with all employment laws and help you with issues like attracting and retaining top talent. Work with a certified PEO, and you’ll have a team member that helps your company make smarter HR decisions and develop a better-trained, more productive workforce – precisely what smaller companies want and need from a trusted HR business advisor.

Axcet HR Solutions is the only Kansas City-based professional employer organization to earn the certified PEO designation.

Visit our website today: https://www.axcethr.com/

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