Legendary (epic powerful hybrid music)

Описание к видео Legendary (epic powerful hybrid music)

Get the new album 'The Sound of Courage' now!
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/mn98ph7
Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/kk39o3w
Google Play: https://tinyurl.com/lwrjspn
Bandcamp: https://tinyurl.com/kgfumbt
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/ljsllxy

Follow me on Soundcloud:   / anttimartikainen  

Follow me on Facebook:   / anttimartikainenmusic  

Subscribe to my Youtube channel:
   / ajmartikainen  

Watch my videos on Vid.me: https://vid.me/AnttiMartikainen

Have a question about music usage, licensing, commissions or the software I use? Please read the FAQ section on my home page before sending me questions or suggestions! Don't send inquiries to the video's comments section, I won't answer to them.


'The Sound of Courage' album contains 30 tracks and 80 minutes of epic modern hybrid production music. Affordable license are available at Audiojungle. For business inquiries, licenses, custom soundtracks and commissions, please visit my web page at anttimartikainen.com and read the FAQ, License and Commission sections before sending me requests. I can't let you use my music in projects for free, so don't send me inquiries concerning that.

All music composed, arranged, mixed and mastered by Antti Martikainen

Cover artwork by Jan-Philipp Eckert (http://janphilippeckert.deviantart.com )

© 2017 Antti Martikainen


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