
Описание к видео 開生熟鐵鑊

工具 / Tools
1. 豬油一大塊 或 煙點高的油一杯
a large piece of pork fat or 1 cup of oil

2. 粗纖維菜1紮 (韭菜/ 青蔥/ 油麥菜 / 西洋菜 / 洋蔥均可)
a bunch of chives / scallion / Chinese leafy lettuce / onion etc)

3. 熟鐵鑊一隻
1 carbon steel pan / wok

步驟 / Steps
1. 使用水清洗熟鐵鑊。
1. Clean the wok with tap water (you could clean with detergent )

2. 洗一分鐘。
Clean it for 1 min.

3. 然後開中至最大火,將鐵鑊 燒至古銅色或 深藍色。
一般需要10分鐘至1小時, 視乎不同質料。
3. Medium high to very heat. Burn the pan until it turns to bronze or dark blue.
It takes at least 10 mins or up to 1 hr.

4. 稍為 待涼一下,
4. Wait until the wok cool down a bit. Rinse with warm or hot water.

5. 再過清水。
5. Rinse with tap water.

6. 抹乾,開中火燒, 用韮菜,擦去鑊的污物。
6. Dry the wok, Gas on Switch to medium heat.Rub with chives for few mins.

7. 鑊稍冷後,注入熱水清洗。
7. Gas off. Wait until wok cool down. Brush it with hot water.

8. 重複此步驟6,7數次。
8. Repeat step 6,7 few times.

9. 中火,燒熱鑊。
9. Gas on. Medium heat. Burn the wok.

10. 鑊面擦滿豬油。
10. Rub the surface with pork oil thoroughly.

11. 待冷後,用水稍為清洗。
11. Wait until wok cool
down. Rinse.

12. 再重複以上步驟(9~11)。即完成。
( 最後兩次抹油前可以不清洗鑊)
12. Repeat steps 9 to 11 few times. Done.

#開鑊 肥豬肉
#不銹鋼鑊 開鑊


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