Bait Maryam’s Story
My story with Maryam differs from all stories…
Maryam was my mother and I would parade her name in “Al Zarqa”, Jordan - the town that I grew up in. I was a friend to her at all times. In the kitchen, I was her little helper. During the olive season, I used to go out to the fields to pick olives with her. When she wanted to make jam, I would extract the berries with her.
The doors to our home were always open, welcoming people of the town to join us in the special meals that Maryam cooked. Everybody was able to feel her happy spirit around the house. She used to love making people happy and used her special recipes to do that.
My passion became to look like my mother in every way; in her spirits, in her beauty and most importantly in her essence in the food.
History began to repeat itself.
Maryam’s home opened its doors to gather family and friends in this memory and so the dream came true… With the same plates, the same dishes, the same gatherings, and the same quotes that were used by Maryam are being repeated.
“My longing for the past commenced Bait Maryam”
List of places visited in JORDAN:
List of places visited in the UAE:
#MissionFoul #Foul #OriginsofFoul #Favabeans #beans #searchingforfoul #eatingfoul #travelingforfoul #traditionalfood #traditionalbreakfast #jordan #lebanon #uae #ksa #egypt #oldtown #oldcities #authenticliving #travelingforfun #missionfood #foulwhummus #spreadinghappiness #sharingjoy #nogarlicnoonions #middleeast #levantine #mediterraneandiet
Foul or Fava beans are large, flat, bright green beans with tough clear skin. They have a delicate, buttery, and nutty taste with a trace of light bitterness. Many describe the bean as tasting like spring, with a lightly sweet vegetal flavor. It is of uncertain origin but found in many areas around the world either planted and served or only served. Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, KSA are some of the Arab countries that consume Foul
Mission Foul will be searching for the Origins of FOUL around Jordan, Egypt, UAE, Lebanon, and KSA to start...
Documenting the different ways these countries consume foul (beans), how do people cook it, eat it, consume it, mix it and everything in between. Green, brown or white, mashed or whole, ground ro "Mdammas".
Going behind the scenes, entering the kitchens, how it’s made, How is it prepared. Experiencing Foul the way the locals do.
The mission will be visiting street food markets, kitchens at homes, hotels, restaurants...
Visiting the markets where Foul is sold (Canned and Fresh)
This is where a documentary video will be published per day for each country we visited with many live social media interactions and Instagram stories.
Foul is one of the oldest and most important dishes
Commonly eaten as is, or with breakfast
Side dish at every meal
Offered as a snack
Offered at hotels and high-end restaurants
Thank you for watching another video or live coverage by NoGarlicNoOnions. "Spreading happiness and Sharing joy" is what I do.
Welcome to #AnthonyRahayel, #NoGArlicNoOnions Youtube channel
"Always remember; Happiness is a choice..."
المهمة: الطبخ مع الشيف سلام دقاق في بيت مريم دبي ومطبخها المنزلي الخاص!
MISSION FOUL: Cooking with SALAM in Bait Mariam and Her Home!
.قصة بيت مريم
قصتي مع مريم تختلف عن كل القصص ...
كانت مريم والدتي وكنت أستعرض اسمها في "الزرقاء" ، الأردن - المدينة التي نشأت فيها. كنت صديقة لها في جميع الأوقات. في المطبخ ، كنت مساعدها الصغير. خلال موسم الزيتون ، كنت أذهب إلى الحقول لقطف الزيتون معها. عندما أرادت صنع المربى ، كنت أستخرج التوت معها.
كانت أبواب منزلنا مفتوحة دائمًا ، وترحب بأهل المدينة للانضمام إلينا في الوجبات الخاصة التي تعدها مريم. كان الجميع قادرًا على الشعور بروحها السعيدة حول المنزل. كانت تحب إسعاد الناس وتستخدم وصفاتها الخاصة للقيام بذلك.
أصبحت شغفي أشبه بوالدتي من كل النواحي ؛ في روحها ، في جمالها والأهم في جوهرها في الطعام.
بدأ التاريخ يعيد نفسه.
فتح منزل مريم أبوابه لتجمع العائلة والأصدقاء في هذه الذكرى وهكذا تحقق الحلم ... بنفس الأطباق ، ونفس الأطباق ، والتجمعات نفسها ، ونفس الاقتباسات التي استخدمتها مريم تتكرر.
"شوقي للماضي بدأ بيت مريم"
DIRECT PAYPAL TRANSFER: [email protected]
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MORE ABOUT me: • Who Is Anthony Rahayel... What is NoG...
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