Blob's Autonauts Efficiency Test for Forestry and Lumbering of My V2 System

Описание к видео Blob's Autonauts Efficiency Test for Forestry and Lumbering of My V2 System

This video is realtime version for Blob's Autonauts Efficiency Test (BAET) for Forestry and Lumbering of my Forestry Lumbering System V2.

Blop's Autonauts Efficiency Test (BAET) is a test that can be performed to measure how efficient your automation implementation in Autonauts or in other words how fast your automation setup can complete specific goals without any manual intervention. It means during the test you should not touch any bots that you have. If in the middle of the test your bots has stopped working, it means the test is failed.

BAET for Forestry and Lumbering

Fill 3 stacks of pallet storage consist of Log, Plank and Pole.

- Bots that use the tools to do the job must be placed beside the tool it uses before the test started.
- Bots that interact with storage must be placed beside the storage they will interact with before the test started.
- Bots that interact with structures to do the job must be placed beside the structure it uses before the test started.
- Bots that interact only with other bots can be placed anywhere before the test started.

- Tools that are used by the bots must be produced automatically. No manual process.
- You are allowed to have more than 1 bots that has the same functionality.
- There is no limit how many bots that you can have.

The rules specified above required to be followed if you want to do your test, the rules might be updated in the future. So you always look for new rules in the latest video of my channel.



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