ITF TKD and Karate vs MMA Guy Yufei ft TKD Uncle

Описание к видео ITF TKD and Karate vs MMA Guy Yufei ft TKD Uncle

We have some very interesting back-to-back sparring exchanges between Taiwanese Fight Commentary Chen Yufei and Karate and Taekwondo practitioners. In fact, Yufei took on at least four different taekwondoin and Karatekas. This is an epic battle of endurance and conditioning, and I give a little PSA about this type of challenge after commentating some of the matches. Also, this is the first time we meet Taekwondo Uncle!

Follow the original video with much more footage:    • 【空手道國手約我到鐵籠打】宇飛對戰空手道+ITF國手|空手道實戰😦降龍總武...  
Followup sparring featuring the TKD Uncle again:    • ITF TKD vs Karate ft. TKD Uncle  

Subscribe for more #martialarts #fightcommentary #tkduncle

0:00 ITF TKD (and Karate) vs MMA
2:33 ITF TKD Uncle vs MMA
4:53 Karate vs MMA
7:10 Bigger Karateka vs MMA
9:27 Little sparring PSA
10:29 A video we can do together


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