Zerodha, Groww, Upstox, Angel One को SEBI ने दे दिया बड़ा झटका! | BIZ Tak

Описание к видео Zerodha, Groww, Upstox, Angel One को SEBI ने दे दिया बड़ा झटका! | BIZ Tak

#zerodha #groww #upstox #sebi
Zerodha, Groww, Upstox, Angel One and other leading brokerages have revised their charges with the true-to-label norms by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) kicking in from Tuesday. Angel One has revised upwards its charges, while Zerodha has maintained the status quo on rates for now. Other leading players are expected to make formal announcements in "due course."...
Zerodha, Groww, Upstox, Angel One को SEBI ने दे दिया बड़ा झटका! | BIZ Tak
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