【First Release】AX200PRO | AIMZENIX| Turn-Around Assist? 15-Point Curve? It is Ahead of the Game!

Описание к видео 【First Release】AX200PRO | AIMZENIX| Turn-Around Assist? 15-Point Curve? It is Ahead of the Game!

🛒AX200 PRO🛒 Purchase Channel:

🛒Official AMAZON store🛒: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_no...

🛒Official AliExpress AX200 PRO store🛒:https://bit.ly/4egbSa8

🛒Official store🛒:https://aimzenix.com/products/ax200-pro


🛒Official store🛒: https://aimzenix.com/products/aimzeni...

🛒Amazon🛒: https://www.amazon.com/AIMZENIX-AX200...


⏯️D I S C O R D :   / discord  

⏯️ T I K T O K:   / aimzenix_official  

Features: APP Support, Aim Assist, ADS Mode, FPS Adaption, Curves Adjustment, Dead Zone Compensation, Mouse Sensitivities Adjustment, Multiple Keybinds, Smoothness Adjustment, Y-axis Inversion, Colorful Lighting Effect, etc.

🆗Which Consoles can I Play with this Adapter?🆗

PS5, PS4, PS3,PC
Nintendo Switch
Xbox Series X/ S, Xbox One X/ S, Xbox One, Xbox 360

Nintendo Switch
Xbox Series X/ S, Xbox One X/ S, Xbox One, Xbox 360

🆗Which Consoles can I Play with this Adapter?🆗

"Call of Duty" series➡️"Battlefield" series➡️"Destiny" series➡️"Overwatch"➡️FPS➡️The Finals➡️PUBG➡️Apex

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🛒 A M A Z O N : https://www.amazon.com/stores/AIMZENI...



🛒STRIKER PRO🛒:https://www.amazon.com/-/zh/dp/B0CLDJ...

⏯️ I N S T A G R A M :   / aimzenix  

⏯️T W I T T E R [JP] : https://x.com/Aimzenix_JP
⏯️T W I T T E R [EN] :   / aimzenix  

⏯️F A C E B O O K :  / aimzenix  

⏯️O F F I C I A L W E B S I T E : http://aimzenix.com


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