লুকোচুরি খেলা | Nut Boltu | Bangla Cartoon | Episode - 654

Описание к видео লুকোচুরি খেলা | Nut Boltu | Bangla Cartoon | Episode - 654

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Episode 654 - Hide And Sick Game
Nut and Boltu are playing a game in a tournament secretly and don't want any of their family members to know. Will their family members be able to find out about Nut Boltu's secret game? Stay tuned to know more. Watch the full episode now!

#NutBoltu #SonyAath

About: Nut Boltu
Nut Boltu series is based on the incidents and activities of two kids named Nut & Boltu (Bolt) who are around 10 years old. As the name suggests, they are naughty kids as well as thick friends who are there for each other in the good and the bad times. They always volunteer to solve others problems, but due to individuality and unique thinking, they fall into some trouble or the other. Eventually, their friendship, honesty, & belief, helps in solving the problems.

লুকোচুরি খেলা | Nut Boltu | Bangla Cartoon | Episode - 654


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