Pearl41: the Mod WholeShow 真珠湾攻撃は1941

Описание к видео Pearl41: the Mod WholeShow 真珠湾攻撃は1941

I always think about this Problem which is without the Pearl 41 without 1949 in china , because the Japanese can kill the ccp very easy in china during the WW2 , but they never do that , because Mao united with the Japs to against the Republic of China during the WW2 , and Mao thanks to the Japs for many times after 1949 , Mao was a very very Evil darkness chinese person just like Hitler , even much much more Worse in the World during the history , he murder huge number of the chinese people after 1949 even his greatest friends during the Cultural Revolution 1966-76 just because they against the Japs and knowing his Top Secret to unitied with the Japs in China during the WW2 , he told the chinese people he can against the Japs in china during the War , and the people trust him , but he never do that , because all his Words are the Lies in China just for the Evil Communism Propaganda like the Nazis during the chinese History , that's Why the RMB should be the Fake chinese money in the 21 century , the real one in Taiwan , the money of the Republic of China of the 21 century , if the Jap Army concentrated their Major fire power on the CCP , then 1949 can never be happened in china , because the Japanese can kill all the CCP very easy during the WW2 inside the chinese mianlands . A lots of People never know about this major Darkness Issue in china of WW2 , because the CCP always Lies to the whole World from 1949 to today just like Joseph Goebbel's evil Propaganda in the 21 century , the CCP , they can do anything in china just for their own Happyniss ( such as destroyed the personal House and bullying the Kindness Chinese person who knows their own Truth seriously ) , they never care about the chinese Life and Jobs , their Evil Lies always existed in China throughout the Whole World in the 21 century , Becuase they are the Major evil darkness Nazi Gangster power which hiding inside the Deeply chinese mianlands of the 21 century !!and the Biggest Scammer in the 21 century should be the CCP after the USSR destroyed themselves in 1991, the ccp , they can go to the Google or Youtube very easy without the VPN , and on the other hand , they did the massive evil FireWall in china , because they don't want the chinese people to know their real Darkness Evil History during the WW2 and many others on Youtube or Google, do you think it's Fairness in China in the 21 century, and they wants slave the chinese people much much more easy just like the North Korea did that , don't you think its Ridiculous in the 21 century ? and am a kindness Chinese person . I want the World to know the real History of WW2 in China , and to know the Real CCP in china throughout the whole World in the 21 Century !!!

私は、共産主義盗賊団の長期にわたる嘘のせいで真剣に隠蔽されてきた問題について考えてきました。つまり、1941 年の真珠湾がなければ、1949 年の中国は存在しなかったでしょう。なぜなら、第二次世界大戦中に日本軍が攻撃したからです。中国に駐留している人々は、日本と戦った偽共産主義盗賊を全員簡単に殺すことができたが、毛沢東は中華民国に対して日本人を団結させた偉大な裏切り者だったため、彼らは決してそうしなかった。日本人が中国共産党を「狡猾で狡猾な八路軍」と呼ぶのも不思議ではないし、もし帝国軍が主力火力を集中させていたら、毛沢東が「帝国陸軍に感謝する」などと悲痛な言葉を吐いたのも不思議ではない。山賊と共産主義者について考えれば、1949 年は永遠になっただろう。第二次世界大戦中、日本軍は簡単に共産主義の山賊をすべて一掃できたので、中華民国ではそんなことは起こりえなかった。そして私は心優しい中国人です。多くの人はこの問題に気づいていません。なぜなら、中国共産党は 21 世紀の中国本土最大の邪悪な闇のナチス組織であるからです ! !!

我一直在思考一個因為共匪長期的謊言而被嚴重掩蓋起來的問題,那就是如果沒有珍珠港1941,就不可能有1949年的中國,因為在二戰期間,驻华日军可以很容易地殺光假抗战的共匪,但他們從來沒有這樣做,因為毛澤東是聯合日本人對抗中華民國的大汉奸。难怪日本人称中共为“狡猾狡猾地八路” ,而毛澤東會說出「感謝皇軍」這種喪心病狂的話也就不足為奇了,如果皇军將主要火力集中在匪共身上,那麼1949年就永遠不可能會在中華民國發生,因為日本人可以在二戰期間轻而易举的消滅所有的共匪。而我是一個善良的中國人。很多人都不知道這個問題,因為從1949年至今,中共一直在對全世界說謊,它們就是21世紀中國大陸的最大邪惡黑暗納粹流氓黑幫勢力!!!

The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii, in the United States, just before 8:00 a.m. (local time) on Sunday, December 7, 1941. At the time, the United States was a neutral country in World War II. The attack on Hawaii and other U.S. territories led the United States to formally enter World War II on the side of the Allies the day following the attack, on December 8, 1941. The Japanese military leadership referred to the attack as the Hawaii Operation and Operation AI,[nb 4] and as Operation Z during its planning.

真珠湾攻撃は、1941年12月7日日曜日午前8時前(現地時間)、日本海軍航空隊がアメリカ合衆国ハワイ州ホノルルの真珠湾にあるアメリカ海軍基地を奇襲した軍事攻撃である。当時、アメリカ合衆国は第二次世界大戦では中立国であった。ハワイとその他のアメリカ領土への攻撃により、アメリカ合衆国は攻撃の翌日、1941年12月8日に正式に連合国側として第二次世界大戦に参戦した。日本軍指導部は、この攻撃をハワイ作戦およびAI作戦[nb 4]と呼び、計画中はZ作戦とも呼んだ。

珍珠港襲擊是日本帝國海軍航空隊對位於美國夏威夷檀香山珍珠港的美國海軍基地發動的突然軍事打擊,時間為當地時間上午 8:00 之前。 ,美國是二戰中的中立國。對夏威夷和其他美國領土的襲擊導緻美國於 1941 年 12 月 8 日襲擊發生後的第二天正式加入第二次世界大戰。 nb 4] 以及規劃期間的Z 行動。


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