Leaps and bounds

Описание к видео Leaps and bounds

The idiom "leaps and bounds" is used to describe rapid and significant progress or advancement. It implies that someone or something is making great strides or improving quickly. The phrase is often used to emphasize the speed and magnitude of the progress being made.
Here are a few examples to illustrate the usage of "leaps and bounds":
1. "Since joining the gym, I've been making leaps and bounds in my fitness level. I can now run twice the distance I could a month ago."
In this example, the person is highlighting the significant progress they have made in their fitness level. They have improved rapidly and are now able to run twice the distance they could just a month ago.
2. "The company's profits have been growing by leaps and bounds. They've doubled their revenue in just one year."
Here, the phrase is used to emphasize the rapid growth of the company's profits. The company has experienced a significant increase in revenue, doubling it in a short period.
3. "After taking piano lessons for a year, Sarah's musical skills have improved by leaps and bounds. She can now play complex pieces with ease."
In this instance, the idiom is used to highlight the significant improvement in Sarah's piano skills. She has made rapid progress and can now play difficult pieces effortlessly.
4. "With the help of new technology, medical research has advanced by leaps and bounds. We've made incredible discoveries in the past decade."
Here, the phrase is used to emphasize the significant progress made in medical research. The advancements have been substantial, thanks to the utilization of new technology, leading to groundbreaking discoveries.
Overall, the idiom "leaps and bounds" is an effective way to convey the idea of remarkable progress or improvement happening quickly and in large increments.


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