
Описание к видео #exerciseadvent

The eyes have their own muscles that need working. I’ve written a lot about the muscles that focus the eyes. Today we’ll work the muscles that move the eyeballs relative to the head as well as practice moving the head and neck while stabilizing the eyes.

Grab yourself a candle or a pencil and find a place to stand or have a seat.

Hold your candle at arm’s length and sweep it to the left and right. Turn your head and neck to track the flame (or point of the pencil) back and forth.

Then, hold your head still as you swing the candle back and forth, but track the flame with your eyeballs. Don’t let your head and neck turn. (I struggled with this on one side, as you can see in the video!)

Finally, hold the candle still in front of your face and turn your head left and right while tracking the flame with your eyes.

#moveyourdna #eyeexercise #vestibularsystem #dynamicaging


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