[Black MIDI] In The Hall Of The Mountain King | 2.93 Million Notes

Описание к видео [Black MIDI] In The Hall Of The Mountain King | 2.93 Million Notes

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[Black MIDI] In The Hall Of The Mountain King by ‪@sirspork5651‬

Check out the cool sound of this MIDI! Sir Spork has created a cool musical creation!

Original video:    • [BLACK MIDI | Halloween Special] In t...  
Author(s) of this MIDI: Sir Spork
Author(s) of the original work: Edvard Grieg
File name: mididownload.mid
File size: 22.4 MB
Note count: 2'927'162 Notes
Software(s) for video rendering used: Zenith MIDI Renderer, Adobe Premiere Pro
Soundfont(s) used: Pentalogue CGP (Realistic Overbassed)
Software(s) for sound processing used: OmniConverter, Adobe Audition CC
Effect(s) used: FabFilter Pro-Q 3, Pro-C 2, Valhalla Room

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