【巴基斯坦】阿富汗邊境STYLE|屁股羊/鐵掌肉奶煮茶/跨河纜車/最大清真寺/買傳統衣/蘿蔔汁《世界第一等》955集完整版Pakistan Full Episode 03 Eng Sub

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【巴基斯坦】阿富汗邊境STYLE (955集完整版20200328播出)
如果說巴基斯坦是個神秘國度的話,那麼位於該國西北邊的開伯爾-普什圖省( Khyber Pakhtunkhwa),絶對是神秘中的神秘。簡稱KP省的它,由於西邊和北邊都與阿富汗接壤,有高達三百多萬阿富汗難民及其後代生活於此,使得KP省的文化語言、生活習慣都受到阿富汗影響,而大家所熟知的塔利班組織,更是以這裡為主要活動據點。想要一窺其神秘色彩,除了有可靠的朋友帶路,行事要低調之外,在出發之前還有一項最重要的前製作業,那就是上市場買傳統衣服去。
✅唐振剛TV Host Gary▶  / kangfans  
❤Special Thanks To:
♦拉納傳奇印度服飾 Rana Fashion▶ https://reurl.cc/0zYkd6
♦TAJ泰姬印度餐廳 TAJ Indian Restaurant ▶https://reurl.cc/8l1Yvd
♦英文字幕翻譯English subtitle translator▶️[email protected]
【Pakistan Full Episode 03 】The Afghanistan-Pakistan border
(Fat-tailed sheep/CHAPLI KEBABS/Shalwar kamel/the greatest mosque/Afghan milk tea& Palaw/cable car/carrot juice)
If we think Pakistan is a mysterious country, then we would definitely agree that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the North-West Frontier Province,is more mysterious than any other places.With a short name as KPP, it's located in the northwestern region of the country along the border with Afghanistan.There live more than 3 millions population of Afghan refugees and their families,Hence,you can see the influences on their lives, culture and habits of Afghanistan in KPP.
The well-known Taliban also sets up their bases here.If we want to see its real faces,we need reliable friends to help and keep everything low.Before we set off, there's something important to do.That is buying Shalwar kamel clothes in the market....
前集總複習Pakistan Episodes Review
950完整版 Full EP1    • 【巴基斯坦】你也誤會了嗎?| 邊境對決/咖哩麻雀/神秘機場/阿富汗饢餅《世...  
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955完整版 Full EP3    • 【巴基斯坦】阿富汗邊境STYLE|屁股羊/鐵掌肉奶煮茶/跨河纜車/最大清真...  
#屁股羊 #邊境 #阿富汗 #燒烤 #羊肉 #巴基斯坦 #奶茶 #唐振剛 #何醫師 #天堂的微笑 #英文字幕 #Pakistan #Afghanistan #border #Afghan #dumba #sheep #Fattailed #CHAPLI #KEBABS #Palaw #milktea #streetfood #eng #sub #StayHome #WithMe


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