Building a level 2 Certification Rocket! 🛠️🚀 (Build and Launch)

Описание к видео Building a level 2 Certification Rocket! 🛠️🚀 (Build and Launch)

Kingfisher I was built for my Level 2 High Power Rocketry Certification. I designed this rocket myself and launched it at Midwest Power in October 2021. Enjoy the video! 🚀

Kingfisher I Stats
Airframe: 4" Fiberglass
Motor: Aerotech J450DM (CTI K815SK during onboard shots)
Recovery: Dual Deploy
Altimeter: Missileworks RRC3
Onboard Camera: Runcam 2 4K

Song: Einstein On The Beach (For An Eggman) by Counting Crows


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