Shiny Tyrogue (98 Odd Eggs)

Описание к видео Shiny Tyrogue (98 Odd Eggs)

Spent the last week on this odd egg side quest in Crystal on my way to shiny hunt Celebi. Tyrogue and Pichu were the main goal. Egg Month was this past April too so that's kinda neat.

This hunt is pretty low-hanging fruit but definitely not one to pass up. I got careless once I got the blue kid himself and saved by mistake, locking myself out of any more eggs. I may come back for Pichu some day though. The plan is to turn this guy into a Hitmontop if I don't mess up the stat altering items.

The shiny haul:
6 Cleffas
5 Smoochums
3 Igglybuffs
2 Magby
1 Elekid
1 Tyrogue
0 Pichu

Edit 3/19/24: I went back and got Pichu


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