How to get admission in medical universities in Pakistan? (MCAT Journey)

Описание к видео How to get admission in medical universities in Pakistan? (MCAT Journey)

Assalam o Alaikum guys! Welcome to MEDTALK with Mohsin. My name is Muhammad Mohsin Mushtaq, a final year medical student at DIMC. My journey at med school is quite interesting. I've made unbreakable friendships and had unforgettable experiences along the way. Some great events that I was a part of and helped to organize. When I look back, I still remember the time before all this when I used to be a junior. When I came to university, I went through a lot of difficult times, be it preparation leave, exams or results.

In this video, I've talked about the stressful time for almost every med student which is their MCAT journey, be it high school or MCAT exam.
I've tried to explain my journey in this video, Hope you get help and motivation from this.

This video is sponsored by RH-12 who helped me in making this video.
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  / soisexpress  

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