Canon R5C Cinematic Family Day (8K Raw)

Описание к видео Canon R5C Cinematic Family Day (8K Raw)

First day with the Canon R5C and i'm pretty impressed with this camera. I shot all of this handheld with the Canon RF 28-70 f2.0 with no rig. I shot it in 8k Raw LT. I think I underexposed the Clog 3 a bit as it was pretty noisy. I typically use Dehancer and add some grain/vintage grade anyway (which I did for this footage as well) but I may shoot 4k xavc on this cam moving forward to save file size and not have to do as much noise reduction in post.

Overall, This is a perfect balance between power and small form factor for day to day family capture. I film my family outings for memories, but also to practice shooting techniques and test gear. This cam is a great tool for that type of shooting. the autofocus was a little slow, but I've adjusted my settings since this day and I am getting way better results. Enjoy!


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