WOTLK Unholy DK Season 1 PvP Guide (Talents, Glyphs, Rotation And More!)

Описание к видео WOTLK Unholy DK Season 1 PvP Guide (Talents, Glyphs, Rotation And More!)

This my Wrath of The Lich King classic season 1 PvP guide for Unholy Death Knight. The guide is mostly arena focused but can be used for general pvp. If this video helps you out drop a Like, Comment and Subscribe! Thank you!

00:00 - Talents
02:09 - Glyphs
02:44 - Bis Gear
03:07 - Gem/Enchants
03:20 - Stat Priority
04:20 - Professions
05:10 - Rotation/Burst Rotation and Tips

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