My Name (oh, the irony!) feat. my grandad's stone.

Описание к видео My Name (oh, the irony!) feat. my grandad's stone.

Hey, stranger!

Here's another one. The clip is from January 9th but it's a song that I wrote in December.

It's a narcissistic song about my name 😊 because I'm a bitch like that, I suppose. The last song of 2023 and fits the theme of the year nicely. I actually haven't been able to write anything worthwhile since this, just silly diary entries; even those are fewer than I've ever written. I don't know what's wrong with me. And I'm not saying this is very good either, definitely room for improvement. But I really liked it when I wrote it.

It's about the amalgamation of love accumulated throughout the years, without having a vessel to pour all this love unto. I decided to use the imagery of Euripides' play, just because I like this story so incredibly much, and also... well, I have a thing for womanhood that this story and Alcestis embody so perfectly well.

I'm just, I've had a strange couple weeks and I don't know. I'm suddenly feeling very unhinged. I don't know what it is. Can't put my finger on it. Maybe the Lichen inflammation is getting to my skull, who knows. Have you ever had that happen to you? Like there's some sort of consciousness outside of you forcing you to let yourself overflow? I'm scared mostly because of what happened about a decade ago, it was similar to this. But different. Now there's a fuzzy feeling in my chest I didn't have last time. Anyways. If there's anybody reading, thank you. For reading me, that is. And existing, I guess.


My name starts with an 'A'
And's got the word Love written in it
The irony's poetic, it haunts and suffocates me
Alcestis possessed the wrong woman, I swear
She chose the wrong woman, I swear

Cause I've been my own bitter-toothed lion
I don't think the ocean could ever be my mother
I've been clad in silver and iron
No king has lived to dissemble my armour

My name Love confused again
Dripping down his voice with a morsel of shame
The feeling's all pervasive
Takes root and saturates me
Trust The Fates to place passion in the wrong hands
The irony's poetic, I swear

My name starts with an 'A'
And like constellations, it's woven through pain
My name starts with an 'A'
And's got Love written all over it


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