Reservations are a must! This is what airport transit hotels in Singapore look like!

Описание к видео Reservations are a must! This is what airport transit hotels in Singapore look like!

This is a must if you are planning a sleigh trip via Singapore.

If you have a long layover, or it's the middle of the night and you're tired, and you don't want to spend it on an airport sofa! Then
I suggest you use a transit hotel!

However, the hotel is always booked up, so it may be difficult to get a room even if you go to the front desk on the day of your flight.
Reservations are a must!

The hotel is for napping, so amenities are minimal.

Breakfast is included, so you can order it at the hotel front desk and eat it in the lounge.

※※※Please note that the subtitles on this channel use automatic translation, so there may be mistakes. ※※※


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