【Movie】:黑金风暴| 警察扮成精神病查案,为逮捕罪犯不料竟意外碰到律师美女的胸部!|

Описание к видео 【Movie】:黑金风暴| 警察扮成精神病查案,为逮捕罪犯不料竟意外碰到律师美女的胸部!|

电影名:【黑金风暴 In The Storm】
古装、武侠、爱情、探案 主演:#林峯#周秀娜#黄浩然
欢迎订阅超酷影院 Subscribe for more Movies: https://reurl.cc/GKo573

【Multi Sub】:绣花密案| 傻小子县令被黑衣人偷袭意外掉落山崖,女侠及时出现救下他,两人一见钟情~ |#古装#超酷影院#无敌县令#探案


Senior Inspector Wei Jingsheng (played by Raymond Lam) works vigorously and resolutely, and the serious crime team led by him also maintains peace for Hong Kong. During a patrol, Wei Jingsheng and his good brother Li Zhijian (played by Liang Jinghui) witnessed a gun crime, and a street fight broke out. However, one wave after another, the Senior Investigation Director of the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption, William Ho (played by Huang Haoran), intervened in the investigation of the Crime Team, and the Crime Team led by Wei Jingsheng became deeper and deeper into the whirlpool of power and money transactions.

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