「北山汲古──中國書法」展覽 | The Bei Shan Tang Legacy: Chinese Calligraphy

Описание к видео 「北山汲古──中國書法」展覽 | The Bei Shan Tang Legacy: Chinese Calligraphy

中國書法不僅具有筆墨點畫之美,更蘊含豐富的文化內涵,故觀傳世書蹟,除可見名家書藝以及風格的傳承與變革,亦可見時代興衰、人品氣節、學問修為,以至文人的交遊、酬應等生活。 是次展覽分兩期展出由唐至清各朝書蹟一百項,包括寫經、詩文、尺牘、對聯、書論、文稿等,亦有罕見的忠臣血書與文人借券,當中有皇帝御書,有倪瓚、祝允明、文徵明、董其昌、黃道周、傅山、張瑞圖、何紹基等歷代名家手筆,亦有具地區特色的廣東書法,如陳獻章、鄺露、蘇仁山等的作品,品類豐富,風格紛陳,足以展現中國書法的藝術魅力與文化意涵。 為配合展覽,文物館與北山堂基金特別合作設計教育展廳,以深入淺出的方式介紹書法藝術,引領觀眾認識中國書法的內涵。

Chinese calligraphy possesses astounding beauty as well as profound cultural legacy. Apart from skills and stylistic changes, notable calligraphic works further reflect the rise and fall of a dynasty, the artist’s personality, cultivation and even social life. Divided into two phases, this exhibition features 100 pieces of calligraphic works from the Tang to the Qing Dynasty, including Buddhist sutras, poems, letters, couplets, essays, manuscripts and so on. Among the highlights are the precious handwritings of the Chinese emperor, exquisite works of esteemed calligraphers such as Ni Zan, Zhu Yunming, Wen Zhengming and Dong Qichang, along with calligraphic works from Guangdong artists. The exhibits of diversified categories and styles contribute to bringing visitors a thorough picture of Chinese calligraphy in terms of both aesthetics and culture. To complement the exhibition, the Art Museum and the Bei Shan Tang Foundation jointly present an education gallery with the aim of stimulating visitors’ interest and understanding in the art of Chinese calligraphy.


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