Willy Wonka is allegedly a wonderful chocolate-making man...who has a factory that no one has been to for years. ALL OF A SUDDEN...OUT OF NOWHERE, he releases five golden tickets into the world summoning children to his factory...a factory which no one has been to in years...to meet a man who no one has seen...in years... does this bizarre act of kindness in fact have darker reasoning

There's a theory that suggests Willy Wonka is actually a serial killer and was planning to murder all of the golden ticket winners

Now this theory will only be for the Gene Wilder version, as the Johnny Depp version directly contradicts the theory.

It could be said that Willy Wonka hates the children, in fact he hates a lot of things in his life. He hates that people kept trying to steal his recipes, and despite being one of the most famous and well loved men in the world, he doesn't really seem to gain any satisfaction from it. He spends most of his time locked away in his factory constantly working. He doesn't have a personal life, he doesn't have a wife or kids of his own. He seems deeply depressed. He's always smiling, but his smile is almost always fake and usually downright sarcastic. He's just barely able to hide his contempt for the kids.

Now, one of the reasons that Wonka hates children is because they don't do as they are told. Wonka planned everything from the beginning, everything in the factory is something that a kid would love, but they weren't supposed to touch anything unless he told them too. All the children, even Charlie break his rules.

One of the parents even noticed that there was something off with Wonka and wanted to leave almost immediately, however Wonka wouldn't allow for it. It's time we talk about what happened inside the factory that makes me believe that Wonka did in fact murder all of the children, including Charlie

Augustus Gloop is eliminated first.If you've seen the movie then you'll know that Augustus falls into the chocolate river. Wonka tells us he'll be just fine. However, as pointed out by his mom the child cannot swim. He is deprived of oxygen while underneath the chocolate. We then see him in a vacuum tube which is applying extreme suction thereby pulling all the air from his lungs which we clearly see. When Augustus's mother asks Wonka to do something, he says: "" He also tells the Oompa Loompa to look out for the boy, who is on his way to the fudge room, because he might accidentally go into the boiler and since Wonka decided to use the kazoo method of factory communication rather than actual walkie talkies ax well as the fact that Mr. Gloop is traveling at a large rate of speed there is no way they got to him in time

Next we have Violet Beauregarde. Wonka actually provokes Violet by saying the gum is "the most amazing, fabulous, sensational gum in the whole world," knowing that she is a CHAMPION gum chewer. He does mention (as Violet is turning into a blueberry), "they all become blueberries." instead of warning her of the side effects before hand. There is very little chance violet could've survived this as Wonka does also warn of an explosion.

Veruca Salt is his third victim. In no way does Wonka try to help out when she falls down the shoot. He only tells her dad what happens to the garbage. (It goes to the furnace every other day...and he doesn't know if it does that day). The last note she sings in her number gives us an idea of the distance which she fell, a rough estimate would be at least 4-5 stories however we don't actually hear her land which could imply she falls much further. To make things worse we know that she will only be cushioned by solid golden eggs. It's virtually impossible to survive the fall.

Mike Teavee is Wonka's fourth and final victim. Wonka clearly didn't care about Mike endangering himself just so he could shrink into a television. Mike may have been able to make it out of Wonka's torture chamber alive if it wasn't for Wonka wanting to send him to be stretched which surely would end up killing him.

There is one more child that entered the factory and it seems he managed to evade Wonka's torture chamber. I'm of course talking about Charlie. Charlie and his grandpa were enticed by Wonka into drinking a highly experimental juice that makes you float. It's important to note that it was conveniently placed under fans that surely would have decapitated them both if it wasn't for grandpa Joe burping, revealing the one flaw that saved their lives.

One thing to notice, before each kid does the thing they are not supposed to do Wonka does warn them. This is what justifies the murder in his mind. In his mind, he's not killing the children, they are killing themselves by choosing to break the rules.

Wonka insisted at the end of the movie that all the children lived, but unlike the Johnny Depp movie, we never actually see the children leave the factory. Also, Wonka established in the very first scene that


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