Post Falls City Council Meeting - November 15, 2022

Описание к видео Post Falls City Council Meeting - November 15, 2022

00:00 Standby
01:01 Call to Order
01:38 Announcements
02:41 Consent Calendar
03:55 Ordinance – Froehlich Zone Change File No. ZC-22-5
05:16 New Business – 2023 Legislative Session Priorities
16:39 New Business – Renaming of the Community Garden
21:04 Administrative / Staff Reports
22:12 Mayor and Council Comments
24:07 Executive Session – Idaho Code 74-206(1)(c)

AGENDA: CEREMONIES, ANNOUNCEMENTS, APPOINTMENTS, PRESENTATION: AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA DECLARATION OF CONFLICT, EX-PARTE CONTACTS AND SITE VISITS 1. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS: a. Minutes – November 1, 2022, City Council Meeting b. Payables – October 25, 2022 – November 7, 2022 c. Farmdale Avenue and Fennecus Street Grants of Easement and Rights-of-Way d. Millworx Phase 1 Construction Improvement Agreement Addendum e. Farwest Steel Annexation Reasoned Decision f. Reallocation of Opioid Settlement Funds g. Gabourie Annexation Reasoned Decision h. Request to Surplus One Digital Intelligence “FRED” Computer by the Police Department i. Hargrave-Hathaway Annexation Reasoned Decision j. Ashford Place Annexation Decision k. Cybersecurity Contract for the Police Department 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS ACTION ITEMS: 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS/RETURNING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ACTION ITEMS: a. Ordinance – Froehlich Zone Change File No. ZC-22-5 4. NEW BUSINESS ACTION ITEMS: a. 2023 Legislative Session Priorities b. Renaming of the Community Garden 5. CITIZEN ISSUES 6. ADMINISTRATIVE / STAFF REPORTS 7. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION ITEM (To enter into executive session only): a. Idaho Code 74-206(1)(c) To acquire and interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT Full meeting agenda is available on the City's website,


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