Video of Jumbo Flan being defeated in NSGNSND (No Sphere Grid, No Summoning, No Doom) challenge.
For equipment and strategy information please see Part 1. Comments are also disabled for videos other than Part 1.
This video is made up of multiple parts.
Part 1: • Final Fantasy X - NSGNSND Monster Are...
Part 2: • Final Fantasy X - NSGNSND Monster Are...
Part 3: • Final Fantasy X - NSGNSND Monster Are...
Part 4: • Final Fantasy X - NSGNSND Monster Are...
Part 5: • Final Fantasy X - NSGNSND Monster Are...
(continued from part 1 Strategy)
A couple of things to watch out for - never use ANYTHING that heals on Tidus or Wakka, except Phoenix Downs if they die somehow. If you need to get them back into critical HP without risk of killing anyone, Shadow Gems work great - that's why I said to bring some if you're not confident. The second thing is, never Hyper Mighty G them if you can avoid it (I made the mistake of doing this during this video) - Hyper Mighty G gives Regen, which heals them, and bringing them out of low HP means no more overdrive charge from Daredevil. Should they fall victim to Regen, you're better off killing them (or letting Jumbo do so) than waiting for it to expire or trying to outdamage it.
To recharge any lost overdrives for Tidus and Wakka, switch them in after Jumbo's turn, change their weapons so they get as many turns as possible, and when you can't get them another turn before Jumbo's, switch them back out.
If you get Ultima'd, your first priority is to restore Auto-Life, THEN revive any fallen allies that didn't have Auto-Life. However, you should re-mix Hyper Mighty G whenever possible if even just one person isn't under Auto-Life. Play it safe.
This battle has three phases. I'm not sure exactly what HP the changeovers are at, but in the first phase, Jumbo Flan uses elemental spells and Flare. The elemental spells can be nulled if you want, so I'd advise Tetra Elementals for Rikku to keep her from being KO'd. If you want all 3 characters alive, use Tetra Elementals on everyone or Kimahri's Mighty Guard. Your form of attack is switching Tidus and Wakka in to use overdrives, but only use them if you can switch them back out before Jumbo Flan's next turn! You will probably never be able to maange this with Blitz Ace, so Tidus should stick with Slice & Dice for this battle. You must NEVER let Jumbo Flan get a turn with Tidus or Wakka in the frontline, and if it does happen, hope like hell Jumbo doesn't decide to hit them. Unlike most battles where you just throw up another Trio of 9999, you've got to restore Ultra NulAll as well before you can do serious damage again (expect around 2-3 hits from Slice & Dice to succeed, or 4-7 from Attack Reels). This applies even if they're NulAlled - Nuls won't help against Flare or Ultima. Needless to say, this applies in all phases. You can lose easily here if he kills Rikku then uses Ultima twice in a row.
In the second phase, the elemental spells are dropped, and Flare becomes much more common. This is a GOOD thing as long as he doesn't hit Rikku too often - Flare results in a HUGE delay on Jumbo Flan. Empty overdrives can be fully charged between Flares, or else you can use one and still have time to charge it half way (if you want to get this done faster, try mixing Hot Spurs or Eccentrick - you should then be able to use one and get a full recharge between turns following Flare - I haven't tested this though). You can still lose if he hits Rikku then follows up with a double Ultima, though, so you're not home safe yet. However, at least for me he seemed to use Ultima less during this phase, so you're a bit safer than before. This is pretty much the same as the first phase, except without the elemental spells, so Tetra Elementals and Mighty Guard are no longer of any use.
In the third phase, his only damaging attack is Ultima, and he uses Reflect/Curaga and Regen more often than in phase 2. This may sound bad, but it's actually a good thing - he can no longer pick a single character and kill them. This means no chance of Rikku's overdrive being empty when you need it. Keep mixing those Hyper Mighty Gs until he cuts you some slack by using Reflect/Curaga combo. At this point, start looking into charging or unleashing overdrives. Don't get cocky - I've lost a few times by thinking I was close enough to taking him out, unleashing all my overdrives, then getting Ultima'd. Unless you're keeping track of his HP, play it safe. He will go down eventually.
It's a long and hard battle, but it CAN be done - despite previously being thought to be impossible in NSG without aeons. :D
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