【三日危情,獨家的記憶 Exclusive Memory of Three Days of Danger】『試玩 Gameplay』

Описание к видео 【三日危情,獨家的記憶 Exclusive Memory of Three Days of Danger】『試玩 Gameplay』

《三日危情:獨家的記憶》是一款懸疑戀愛的全動態真人互動影遊。 在故事的開始前,我想到一句以前廣為流傳的話,迎娶白富美走向人生巔峰。 而在這段故事的你,是一比特後天就要和生物科技公司總裁的掌上明珠舉辦婚禮的新郎。 但奈何天公不作美,你在一次意外後失去了記憶,醒來時發現許多事情都變得模糊不清。 然而,周圍的人卻對你熟悉無比,你將通過與他們的對話和互動,逐漸拼凑出事情的全貌。
"Exclusive Memories" is a full-motion live-action interactive video game about suspenseful love. Before the story begins, I thought of a saying that was widely circulated in the past, marrying Bai Fumei will lead to the pinnacle of life. In this story, you are a groom who is going to get married to the daughter of the president of a biotechnology company the day after tomorrow. But unfortunately, God was not kind to you. You lost your memory after an accident, and when you woke up, you found that many things had become blurry. However, the people around you are very familiar with you, and through conversations and interactions with them, you will gradually piece together the whole story.


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