Honey Bees Robbing A Hive - Learn How to Stop the Robbing

Описание к видео Honey Bees Robbing A Hive - Learn How to Stop the Robbing

UPDATE Aug 31, 2020 - See our newest updated video for more info. Stop robbing before it starts with our newly designed Robber Bee Scout Trap® by BackYardHive.

This 7 year old video is good to show what robbing looks like but new we have a new solution with the Trap. Find it at BackYardHive.com - https://backyardhive.com/collections/...

The Robber Bee Scout Trap® is an attachable device that protects beehives from robbing bees and yellow jackets by trapping them before they gain access into the hive, made for Langstroth, Cathedral Hive™ and Top Bar hives.

Stop robbing from ever beginning!
Robbing is one of the biggest causes of hive collapse
Robber bees can bring mites and other diseases into the hive
Trapping scout bees stops them from recruiting their hive mates
Simple to install
Can be used as an effective mouse guard in the winter
Identify when your hive is being targeted by robbing bees

The Robber Bee Scout Trap® is designed to catch the scouting bees or wasps and jail them until they are released by the beekeeper at sundown. When these unsuccessful scout bees return home after being released at dusk, they are treated as incompetent and no other bee in their colony is interested or willing to hear about their failed, futile mission, so no other bees get recruited to go and rob the hive.

The hive in this video was getting robbed for a week or two as you can see all the honey comb cappings on the landing board. The robbers bees tear open the honey cells. And the robber bees found another entrance at the back of the hive. A small or weak colony is susceptible to robber bees from other colonies in the area, especially in the fall when all bees and yellow jackets are looking for food going into winter. If your hive is being robbed, stop the robbing right away! Robbing can wipe out a colony very quickly if there are numerous other colonies and yellow jackets robbing out the hive. This video shows putting screen over the entrance to stop the robbing. You can adjust the size of the screen according to the severity of the robbing.
Video by BackYardHive.com, music by Carolyn Fazio of Sonic Farms


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