Scapular Dyskinesis Exercises

Описание к видео Scapular Dyskinesis Exercises

Scapular Dyskinesis Exercises
Scapular dyskinesis is abnormal and improper scapular movement which is usually accompanied by the scapula sitting in an abnormal/aberrant position on the ribcage. Asymmetrical scapular biomechanics as a result muscular imbalance and weakness can result in shoulder pain. Scapular malpositioning, weakness, and scapular dyskinesis are common orthopedic and biomechanical findings in throwing athletes and shoulder patients. If the shoulder blade initiates it movement too late then apprehension or, more commonly, impingement may result, which can cause significant damage to the internal structures of the shoulder. The most important exercises for restoring proper arthrokinematic motion of the scapula should address the mid trap or middle portion of the trapezius muscle, the low trap or lower portion of the trapezius muscle, and the serratus anterior muscle.


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