Et in Arcadia eg∅

Описание к видео Et in Arcadia eg∅

Based on Dark Wounds of Light by Alina Popa & Nicola Masciandaro.

How perfectly we fooled them all, finding in their cluelessness the first clue to escape, the way of squeezing ourselves through a narrow gate of torment into this ever-new paradise of never escaping.

It is precisely because we understood the rules of our secret language of escape so perfectly that we can at best barely remember them.

Not for future, but for this lateness I live, leaping and dragging my leap into the freedom of everything's being over, more than over to the pointless point of never having been, when every moment is free to return to itself in its own absence, where time never loses sight of this infinitesimal chance to catch its own breath.

We escape in, through loops which at times become nooses. We are only eyes and ears- tuned to the wave-lengths of the invisible, to the vibration-depths of the inaudible. We have developed an invisible common skin, placenta secreted by the death of birth. We are never getting out of this amniotic sea of eternal un-baptism. We are feeding on it. When it bites its own tail its tongue is sliced in half. We speak with a forked tongue.

The funereal song/silence that weaves the waves of oscillation between you and me. The sound of reciprocal devouring. I've encrypted you in my delirium of silence. The only mind I know lays down in this delirious wish, already-ever allowing itself to be peeled away by the sweet liquid cut.

I am not here. When are we it? I am feeling an ominous
assurance that we are so continuous- though the world keeps chopping
our never ending embrace with the ocean-axe

To your noise-wave I respond in words. To your glitch-whisper
I say yes. To your hiss-secret I answer with clearest arguments. To your
sigh-squeaks and hummings I shout that I have enough earworms gnawing me into a most abundant silence.

Tendrils upon tendrils, leaves upon leaves, everything grows out
of itself. We are growing onto each other, carnivorous appendices, eating
ourselves to grow more one.


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