The 4 years Story || Last day of College, Bye Bye JNGEC/MGGEC

Описание к видео The 4 years Story || Last day of College, Bye Bye JNGEC/MGGEC

This video summarises The 4 years experience of Engineering students.
As Engineering is Perceived differently in each year by students So we have tried to take their opinion about Engineering in Their respective year.

The main focus is on Final year as they have completed this journey and they know the realities very well.

COVID period experience of students and teachers are also incorporated in the video.

Along with it video also covers the different aspects of college life other than academics.
i.e Techo-cultural events , sports events , educational tour etc.

It's also a thankyou video for All the administrative staff , teaching Staff and support staff on the behalf of 4th year.

We would like to Thank :
Er. Surabhi Sharma
Er. Kapil Dev
Er. Prashant Thakur
for their participation in the video.

We would also like to thank all the participant students in this video.

If any student had given answers to our questions and he/she is not in this video we are very sorry for him/ is because of microphone malfunctioning (audio issue). However we have tried to include every single individual.

Some of shots Courtesy:
Team JET(Just Engineering Things) - DJ Night Shot
Rahul Kashyap - Rodies and SOW shot
Aman Naag - Time lapse.

We would also like to thank:
Kajal Thakur
Akshat Gupta
Prashant Chambyal
Deepanshu Sharma

for their contribution.

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