MMDA Raid Illegal Towing (Subtitles)

Описание к видео MMDA Raid Illegal Towing (Subtitles)

I've never seen the MMDA Chairman as angry as I did today. And it's good that he's angry, because this needs to stop!

Please warn your friends and family about these illegal towing operations. When in doubt, CALL THE POLICE.

These tow trucks are NOT accredited and they tow vehicles even if they're legally parked. They remove the battery from the vehicle and take your key so you can't drive away. Then they demand 5-15k to let you go.

Two men have been arrested and two tow trucks impounded. All of the illegally towed vehicles were ordered released.

The fact that they're using a public road as their impound area is already a big red flag. Be especially wary if they try to take your vehicle to Osmena Highway or Balintawak.

This is what happens when different agencies work together. Solid results! MMDA, PNP HPG, LTFRB, iACT, AFP.

For context, the morning started with the closing of bus terminals in Pasay. Then a sudden transition to this raid.

If ever your vehicle is towed for illegal parking, there MUST be an enforcer there and they have to issue a ticket.

Stalled vehicles can be towed without an enforcer but the towing crew must call the MMDA Metrobase and get a reference number. You can verify that reference number by calling MMDA Hotline 136.


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