Unboxing: Umbra Turris Goblins | Spellcrow

Описание к видео Unboxing: Umbra Turris Goblins | Spellcrow

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Gerry unboxes some of the amazing Umbra Turris Goblins from Spellcrow. These are some stunning 28mm Fantasy miniatures for their own game and of course any other wargame you could think of!

► Check Out More Unboxings Here https://www.beastsofwar.com/tag/conte...

► Check Out More From Spellcrow Here https://www.beastsofwar.com/company/s...

This set comes with an array of different miniatures for your warbands, a spellcaster and also a leader figure or champion to make sure your Goblins don't run away!

Are they going to be making it into your collection?


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