Live 🔴PUBG Mobile from Redmi K20 Pro (Custom ROM)

Описание к видео Live 🔴PUBG Mobile from Redmi K20 Pro (Custom ROM)

Live 🔴PUBG Mobile from Redmi K20 Pro (Custom ROM) #pubgmobile #livepubg #livepubgmobile

This is a live stream of PUBG mobile from an Android device, a flagship killer phone in 2019.

Device specs (Redmi K20 Pro)
1. 8GB of RAM and 256GB of internal storage
2. Operating System: Evolution X latest (It is a custom ROM, an open-source operating system for Android Devices.)
3. Original OS: MIUI 12 which was a trash for gaming due to sluggish gameplay.
4. 4000mAH of Battery.
5. Camera 12MP back & 8MP pop-up Front.
6. The Best part is with a headphone jack.

Thank you and Enjoy.
#jonathan #jonathangaming #pubgmobilelive #cr7horaa #4kgaming #evolutionxrom #redmik20pro #redmik20propubg #redmik20propubggameplay
pubg live stream
pubg mobile live
jonathan gaming
4k gaming nepal
Samdi gaming
samdhi live pubg
redmi k20 pro gaming
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