Microservices In The Enterprise Java World March 31st 3PM

Описание к видео Microservices In The Enterprise Java World March 31st 3PM

About this event

The use of the microservices architecture pattern has become increasingly popular in software development in recent years. With its ability to improve scalability, agility, and resilience, especially in a cloud native era, microservices have become an obvious choice for many organizations across different industries. This architecture paradigm also comes with its own challenges such as increased complexity, development, and infrastructure costs among others.

This round-table panel discussion brings together renowned experts from the Jakarta EE (formerly Java EE) community to share their experiences and insights on microservices. The discussions will include:

- The benefits of microservices and when it’s a better choice

- The challenges and common pitfalls of microservices

- How can microservices be designed, tested, and deployed effectively in a cloud native era?

- Can microservices help optimize DevOps?

- What are some security considerations to have in mind when adopting microservices?

The panellists will also share their perspectives and insights on the future of microservices and its role in the rapidly evolving tech landscape, especially in the Jakarta EE ecosystem. By attending this event, you will gain valuable insights into the benefits and challenges of microservices, as well as practical tips for implementing and managing them effectively. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions to the panellists. Make sure you don't miss this exciting discussion!

Event Panellists:

Mary Grygleski

Mary is a Java Champion and a passionate Senior Developer Advocate at DataStax, a leading Data Management company that champions OSS and specializes in Big Data/NoSQL, Streaming, Managed Data Cloud platforms, and Real-Time AI systems. She has over 20 years of hands-on software engineering and technical architecture experience in Java and Open Source. She is an active tech community builder outside of her day job, and is currently the President of the 3000+ member-strong Chicago Java Users Group (CJUG).

Rudy De Busscher

Rudy loves to create (web) applications with enterprise backend platforms like Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. Currently, he is a Developer Advocate for MicroStream. He has worked on various projects in a team for customers, contributed to various Open Source projects, and supported developers.

He is active in the IT industry for more than 20 years and is a big fan of Open Source. He is also passionate about Web Application Security and is a member of the Java EE Security API team of Jakarta EE.

David Heffelfinger

David is an independent consultant based in the Washington, DC area. He is a Java Champion and Apache NetBeans PMC member, as well as a Java instructor. David has written several books on Java EE and related technologies and is a frequent speaker at technology conferences. You can connect with David on LinkedIn at   / dheffelfinger   and follow him on Twitter   / ensode  .

Steve Millidge

Steve is the founder, CEO and technical director of Payara Services. He is an expert in Java EE, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile, and a Project Lead for the Eclipse Foundation GlassFish and the Jakarta EE platforms. Steve has spoken at a number of events about the performance and scalability of Java systems, including Java One, JBoss World, UK Oracle User Group Conference and Special Interest Groups, JaxLondon, GeeCon, Devoxx UK, EclipseCon, and Jakarta EE Live Stream. He regularly presents technical workshops and webinars on Jakarta EE, Microprofile and big scale Java. Steve has been working with Java since pre-1.0 and has worked on large scale distributed applications and application servers since the 1990s. Before founding Payara Services, Steve ran a consultancy company providing advice and guidance on architecting, building and running at scale large web applications on Java technologies. Steve has a keen interest in non-functional attributes of big scale Java.

This event is organised by RecWorks on behalf of the London Java Community.

The London Java Community is sponsored by Sonatype, Snyk, JFrog, Payara and Octopus Deploy


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